On-line symposium
We must not forget the children of war
On-line symposium on „The Tragedy of Childhood in the Time of War“
organised by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association & European Association for Psychotherapy
23. 2. 2024
Dear friends,
I am honored to have been able to support your online symposium on „The Tragedy of Childhood in the Time of War“ organised by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association & European Association for Psychotherapy.
Be assured that the situation of the children who were taken away from their families during the Russian occupation of Ukraine deeply revolts us. We cannot forget the children who are not allowed to use their native language. We cannot forget the children whose names have been forcibly changed in order for the regime to cover up the traces of its crimes. We cannot forget the children who were taken from their homes and stolen from their loved ones.
Last October, I tabled a resolution in the Senate on the forced russification of children in Ukraine. The resolution was adopted. In it, we condemn the criminal actions of the Russian Federation. This country is committing them despite the fact that, on the contrary, as a permanent member of the Security Council, it should be exemplarily upholding the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. This, as we know, grew out of the horrors of the Second World War, when everyone knew that war crimes must never be repeated.
Many of the laws state that anyone who did not act on them could become an accomplice to horrific crimes. And the same rule applies in the case of international law. I therefore consider it our duty not to remain silent at this time. We must not forget the children of war.
But war inflicts such deep wounds on children and adults that we must not underestimate the necessary care for all those in need. They cannot do without adequate care. It is literally a titanic task. I therefore want to assure you that you have our full support.
I am truly sorry that I cannot be with you. But I will be in Ukraine at the very moment you are about to start your session. I consider it my duty to be with those who bear responsibility in your country on these days and express, along with other members of Parliaments, my solidarity with Ukraine under attack.
I wish your meeting success. And I look forward to meeting you in person at some point.